Our scientists identified three very beneficial microbes while analyzing the canine microbiome.

Meet our Microbes

Clostridium hiranonis

cell communication

Megamonas funiformis


Enterococcus faecium

immune system

Clostridium hiranonis

For a dog to achieve a resilient physiological state, its cells must effectively communicate with each other. This requires bile acid conversion – something that our good friend, Clostridium hiranonis, excels at. Basically, this microbe keeps all your dog’s lines of communication open.

Arkus Daily is the only available product on the market that contains live Clostridium hiranonis.

Megamonas funiformis

The fermentation process in the dog’s gut is critical to maintaining a healthy digestive system. And Megamonas funiformis is the top dog when it comes to fermentation. This microbe helps your dog better digest its meals.

Arkus Daily is the only product on the market that contains live Megamonas funiformis.

Enterococcus faecium

A dog’s immune system is its best line of defense against the big, scary world of disease and infection. Which is where Enterococcus faecium comes in – one of our favorite microbes that not only combats bad microbes like E. coli, but also enhances your dog’s immune system.